Lumia Test-Point for ATF cables set

Lumia Test-Point for ATF cables set
Price: 22.57 USD
Lumia Test-Point for ATF cables set is a special cable set used to unlock and repair dead Nokia Lumia 610, 710, 800, 900 dedicated for ATF users. Allows to repair DEAD BOOT Lumia 800, 710 phones killed by Windows "Format Disk", Direct Write of SEC_BOOT, OSBL, QBOOT and AMSS images, Write of QUALCOMM Unlocked OSBL to Lumia 800 and much more.

- Repair DEAD BOOT Lumia 800 Phones killed by Windows "Format Disk"
- Repair DEAD BOOT Lumia 710 Phones killed by Windows "Format Disk"
- Repair DEAD BOOT Lumias Killed by other methods
- Direct Write of SEC_BOOT, OSBL, QBOOT and AMSS Images
- Direct Write of QUALCOMM Unlocked OSBL to Lumia 800
- SP Unlock ANY Lumia 710 and 800 version and OSBL Type (QCOM or DLOAD)
- Cross-Flash 800C and 610C into 800 and 610 Variants to accept non RUIM Cards
- Supports Lumia 610, 710, 800 and 900 (First Generation Lumias)

- Only Available for ATF Network Users
- Uses ATF iCredits

Movie of cable usage:

Complete contains:
- Cable Lumia TP model 610
- Cable Lumia TP model 800
- Cable Lumia TP model 710
- Cable Lumia TP model 900